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Articles Accepted for Publication

Articles accepted for publication in one of AAIDD's three journals (AJIDD, IDD, Inclusion) are made available to the public in their originally accepted versions prior to copyediting. Once a copyedited article is published in a journal, the accepted version is removed from the website.


Person Reading a Book

Anderson, L., Pettingell, S., Bershadsky, J., & Hewitt, A.

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Direct Support Professionals' and Frontline Supervisors' Mental and Physical HealthIDD, Advance online publication, 

Barnhart, W., Whalen Smith, C., Ellsworth, D., Coleman, E., Lorenz, A., Riddle, I., & Havercamp, S.

Implementing Living Independent From Tobacco with dyads of people with disabilities and their caregivers: Successes and lessons learnedIDD, Advance online publication, 

Benjamin, L., Neece, C., McIntyre, L., Fenning, R., Edwards, A., Gwaltney, A., & Wheeler, A.

A Transdiagnostic Comparison of Mindfulness and Parenting Stress in Mothers of Children with Autism, Developmental Delay, and Fragile X SyndromeAJIDD, Advance online publication,

Best, M., Burke, M., & Arnold, C. 

Examining Support Networks Among Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesIDD, Advance online publication,

Boehm, T., & Carter, E.

Facets of faith: Spirituality, religiosity, and parents of individuals with intellectual disabilityIDD, Advance online publication, 

Byra, S., & Cwirynkalo, K.

The Role of the Relationship Between Siblings and Adults With Intellectual DisabilityIDD, Advance online publication, 

Cain, I., Bruno, L., Agran, M., Wojcik, A., Achola, E., Thoma, C., Nixon, C., & Tamura, R.

Teacher and Parent Perspectives on Extracurricular Activities for Students With Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesInclusion, Advance online publication,

Carlson, S., Munandar, V., & Thompson, J.

Outcomes for Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Receiving Long-Term Services and SupportsIDD, Advance online publication,

Carnahan, C., Stark, S., Weinbrandt, D., Norland, K., & DenBleyker, E.

An Exploratory Investigation of the Postsecondary STEM Opportunities for People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in the United StatesAJIDD, Advance online publication, 

Carter, E., McCabe, L., Hall, C., Lee, E., & Bethune-Dix, L.

Faculty Perspectives on the Appeal and Impact of Including College Students with Intellectual Disability. Inclusion, Advance online publication,

Carter, L. & McKenzie, K.

“I would go to my car and just cry” - Parents' Experiences of Referral, Interventions, and Inclusion at SchoolInclusion, Advance online publication,

Cherry, E., Stancliffe, R., Emerson, E., & Ticha, R.

Policy implications, eligibility and demographic characteristics of people with intellectual disability who access self-directed funding in the United StatesIDD, Advance online publication,     

Chou, S., Cheng, Y., Tseng, S., Martinez, R., Chen, C., & Fan, Y.

Combined Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation With Sensory-Based Treatments in Autism - Preliminary ReportAJIDD, Advance online publication, 

Dodds, R., Roy, S., Wu, H., Belden, A., Hafer, C., & Toapanta, C.

Improving Uptake in Regional Center Services Using Program Data to Identify Predictors of Under-Utilizationand Non-UtilizationAJIDD, Advance online publication, 

Eldridge, L., Agley, J., Piatt, J., Hamre, K., & Nord, D.

Treating Substance Use Disorder in Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities: A Regional System Capacity AssessmentIDD, Advance online publication,

Esteban, L., Arias, V., Navas, P., & Verdugo, M.

Decision-Making Opportunities a Key Aspect in Processes Aimed at Fostering Independent LivingIDD, Advance online publication,     

Farmer, C., Giserman-Kiss, I., Mohanty, E., Soorya, L., Sahin, M., Kolevzon, A., Buxbaum, J., Berry-Kravis, E., Powell, C., Bernstein, J., & Thrum, A.

Retrospective Reports of Skill Attainment and Loss in Phelan-McDermid SyndromeAJIDD, Advance online publication, 

Farmer, C. et. al. 

Which Score for What? Operationalizing Standardized Cognitive Test Performance for the Assessment of ChangeAJIDD, Advance online publication, 

Freeman, R., Jeffrey-Pearsall, J., Dunphy, D., Simacek, J., Danov, S., MacSuga-Gage, A., & Moore, M.

Implementation Drivers for Organization-Wide Positive Behavior Support: Supporting People With Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesIDD, Advance online publication,

Fisher, M.H., Griffin, M.M., Lane, L.A., & Morin, L.

In their own words: Perceptions and experiences of bullying among individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilitiesIDD, Advance online publication,

Fremion, E., Asif, L., Staggers, K., Kemere, K.J., & Davis, A.

Race and Ethnicity Disparities in COVID-19 Worry for Caregivers of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesIDD, Advance online publication,

Friedman, C.

Gaps Between Policy and Practice: Outcomes and Supports of People With Disabilities who Receive HCBSInclusion, Advance online publication,

Friedman, C.

Organizational Supports to Promote the Community Integration of People with Dual DiagnosisIDD, Advance online publication,

Gallus, K., Jones, J., & Erickson, S.

Individual and Environmental Factors Associated With Polypsychotropic Medication Regimens Among Adults With Intellectual DisabilityAJIDD, Advance online publication, 

Glenn, E., Meyer, A., & Blakeley-Smith, A.

Anxiety Self-Report in Autistic Adolescents With Intellectual Disability Predictors of Parent-Youth AgreementAJIDD, Advance online publication, 

Gong, Y. & Xu, S.

Implementation and Challenge of Supported Employment for Persons With Disabilities in ChinaIDD, Advance online publication,

Granieri, J., Mulcahy, C., Grosso, M., & Mattson, J.

Inclusion Practices for Elementary Autistic Students: A Systematic ReviewInclusion, Advance online publication,

Gross, J., Francis, G., Choi, J., Stanley, J., & Bowen, E.

Professionals Need Information Too: Exploratory Data from the Family Employment Awareness Training (FEAT) in KansasInclusion, Advance online publication,

Grumstrup, B., & Demchak, M.

Food-Related Interventions in Schools for Students with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities: A Systematic Review and AnalysisIDD, Advance online publication,

Hamre, K., Nord, D., & Andresen, J.

Workforce Engagement of Caregivers of Children With ID:ASD Child Health Insurance EffectsAJIDD, Advance online publication,

Hennessey, M., Williams-Diehm, K., Sinclair, T., Sanford, C., & Cameto, R.

Structural Validity Evidence for the TAGG-Alternate Professional Version for Individuals With Extensive Support Needs in EmploymentInclusion, Advance online publication,

Houseworth, J., Pettingell, S.L., Kramme, J.E.D., Ticha, R., & Hewitt, A.S. 

Predictors of annual and early turnover among direct support professionals: national core indicators staff stability surveyIDD, Advance online publication,

Iadrola, S., Cai, P., Porto, M., & Mustian, K.

Mindfulness and Psychoeducation are Associated With Improved Perceived and Physiological Health Outcomes in Caregivers of Children With AutismAJIDD, Advance online publication, 

Iwanaga, K., Wehman, P., Schall, C., Avellone, L., Chan, F., Inge, K., & McDonough, J. 

Factors Affecting Employment for Early Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities - Influence of Supported EmploymentIDD, Advance online publication,

John, A., Presnell, J., Cavazos, S., & Lewright, C.

Exploring Media Portrayals of Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesIDD, Advance online publication,

Kaufmann, W., Oberman, L., Leonard, H., Downs, J., Cianfaglione, R., Stahlhut, M., Larsen, J., Madden, K.

Rett Syndrome Behaviour Questionnaire Psychometric characterization and revised factor structureAJIDD, Advance online publication, 

Keesler, J.M.

Exploring the Use of Practices that Align with Trauma-Informed Care in IDD OrganizationsIDD, Advance online publication, 

Keesler, J.M., & Troxel, J.

They care for others, but what about themselves? Understanding selfcare among DSPs' and its relationship to professional quality of lifeIDD, Advance online publication,    

Lambert, A., Conley, A., & Fulton, C.

Enhancing Religious and Spiritual Inclusion of Jewish Youth With Intellectual and/or Developmental DisabilitiesInclusion, Advance online publication,

LaPoint, S., Kiernan, B., Heinly, J., Luken, K., Stahl, S., Maddox, B.

Family Support ECHO Enabling Community Providers to Support Families of Individuals With DisabilitiesIDD, Advance online publication, 

Levy, T. et. al.

Genetic Subtypes of Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Exhibit Similar Rates of Change Despite Differences in Level of Impairment in Developmental ConstructsAJIDD, Advance online publication, 

Lineberry, S., Broda, M., Dinora, P., Bogenschultz, M., Prohn, S., & West, A.

Evaluating Measurement Invariance Over Time of a Personal Opportunities Scale for People With IDDIDD, Advance online publication,

Maniezki, A., Martínez-Tur, V, Estreder, Y., & Moliner, C.

Effects of a Justice-Based Partnership between Employees and Families in Creating Services and Supports to Enhance Quality of Life OutcomesIDD, Advance online publication,

Murthy, S., Harris, S., Hsieh, K.

Informal Support Needs of Family Caregivers of Adults with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities in IndiaIDD, Advance online publication,

Murthy, S. & Hsieh, K.

Examining Association between Reported High Cholesterol and Risk Factors in AdultsIDD, Advance online publication,

Pinks, M., Van Deusen, K., Prince, M., Esbensen, A., Thurman, A., Patel, L., Abbeduto, L., Walsh, M., Daunhauer, L., & Fidler, D.

Evaluation of a Modified Corsi Task to Assess Visuospatial Short-Term Memory in Young Children With Down SyndromeAJIDD, Advance online publication,

Presnell, J. and Keesler, J.

‘We need to be able to connect with people.’ Leveraging Direct Support Professionals’ Perspectives to Advance Social InclusionInclusion, Advance online publication,

Price, R., Brenner, H., Donnelly, N., & Li, C.

“A Life That Feeds Her Soul.” Caregivers’ Perspectives of Their Youth With Significant Support Needs Transition to EmploymentInclusion, Advance online publication,

Raspail, K. & Pennequin, V.

Social information processing in young people with mild intellectual development disorder or borderline intellectual functioning Relationship with real-world expression of executive function problemsAJIDD, Advance online publication, 

Rast, C., Guzick, A., Soileau, K., Smarason, O., Berry, L., Goin-Kochel, R., Goodman, W., Schneider, S., Salloum, A., & Storch, E.

Stepped Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Depressive and Externalizing Symptoms in Autistic Anxious ChildrenAJIDD, Advance online publication,

Sauna-aho, M., Tuomiranta, L., Geneid, A., & Launonen, K.

Evaluation Methods of Dysphagia in Adults With Intellectual Disabilities: A Scoping ReviewIDD, Advance online publication, 

Savage, M. & Candelaria, A.

Healthy Nutrition for Adults With Intellectual Disability: Piloting a Mobile Health Application and Self-Management InterventionIDD, Advance online publication, 

Schultz, M., Awsumb, J., Carter, E., Burgess, L., & Schwartzman, B.

Connecting Youth With Significant Disabilities to Paid Work: An Innovative School-Based InterventionIDD, Advance online publication,

Shen, G. & Musyoka, M. 

Experiences of Early Childhood Special Education Teachers in Inclusive Classroom: A Phenomenological StudyInclusion, Advance online publication,

Shikarpurya, S. & Gilson, C. 

SAATHI: Pilot Transition Intervention for South Asian Parents of Children With Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesIDD, Advance online publication,

Shogren, K. 

Conceptualizing Fidelity of Implementation of a Technology-Delivered Self-Determination InterventionInclusion, Advance online publication,

Shogren, K., Linnenkamp, B., Townsend, R., Edwards, B., Rentschler, L., Taconet, A., Stelter, C., Henley, R., Bright, K., & Hildebrandt, L.

Advancing Inclusive Research in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Building Community and Supports for Participationh. IDD, Advance online publication,

Shogren, K., Luckasson, R., & Schalock, B.

Shared Citizenship, Context, and the Next Generation of Self-Determination ResearchIDD, Advance online publication,

Sigstad, H., Garrels, V., Dean, E., & Wendelborg, C.

Characteristics of Workplaces and Employers that Embrace Cognitive Diversity on the Work FloorIDD, Advance online publication,

Smith, S., Khanna, A., Parish, S., & Mitra, M.

Pregnancy Experiences of Women With Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesIDD, Advance online publication,

Smith, S., McCann, H., Urbano, R., Dykens, E., & Hodapp, R.

Training Medical Personnel to Work With Persons With Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesIDD, Advance online publication,

Smith, L., Powell, R., Khanna, A., Simas, T., & Mitra, M.

Attitudes, Assumptions and Beliefs of Obstetric Care Clinicians Regarding Perinatal Care of Women With Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesAJIDD, Advance online publication, 

Sperling, J.

“She like, sugarcoats things”: Maternal influence on sexual (in)agency of young college women with disabilitiesIDD, Advance online publication,

Srivastava, S. et. al.

Longitudinal Trajectory of Adaptive Skills in Phelan-McDermid SyndromeAJIDD, Advance online publication, 

Srinivasan, S., Sattar, N., Athreya, A., Glenney, S., & Bubela, D.

Stakeholder Perspectives on Physical Activity in Youth with Developmental Disabilities A Mixed Methods StudyIDD, Advance online publication,

Stagnone, N., Thorne, J., Mattson, J., & Kover, S.

Executive and Social Functioning in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Comparison to AutismAJIDD, Advance online publication,

Tafolla, M., Schiltz, H., & Lord, C.

Respite Support from Adolescence to Adulthood in Families of People With Neurodevelopmental DisordersIDD, Advance online publication,

Tindall, H., Bowman, K., & Harrison, A.

Examining Sociodemographic Variability in Amount and Type of Interventions for Autistic ChildrenAJIDD, Advance online publication,

Unholz-Bowden, E., Wu, Y., Nyce, A., Abery, B., & Anderson, L. 

Technology Access, Utility, and Unmet Needs: Results from the Arc's FINDS SurveyIDD, Advance online publication,

Van Deusen, K., Prince, M., Walsh, M., Patel, L., Pinks, M., Esbensen, A., Thurman, A., Abbeduto, L., Oser, C., Daunhauer, L., & Fidler, D.

Modeling the Latent Factor Structure of the “EXcEEDS” (Executive Function Early Evaluation in Down Syndrome) BatteryAJIDD, Advance online publication,

Wang, L., Yuan, C., He, J., & Jiang, B.

Acquisition of Digital Literacy Skills in Learners With Developmental DisabilitiesIDD, Advance online publication,

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