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Year : 2023
Author : Karyn Harvey
This book is written for a range of professionals who support people with intellectual disability (ID) who have had single or multiple traumatic experiences, including loss, rejection, abuse, and endangerment.
This book provides insights on how people with ID may express trauma and includes strategies for use by the professionals who work with them. It also includes professional development materials for direct support staff and resources for therapists to use in group and individual therapies.
Year : 2023
Author : Karyn Harvey

This is an e-book version of
Maltreatment of People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
Click here for information about this book. See our
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Year : 2016
Author : John R. Lutzker, Kate Guastaferro, and Megan L. Benka-Coker, Editors
Maltreatment of People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities presents research and evidence-based strategies to prevent and address the maltreatment of people with IDD across the lifespan.
With a life-course perspective and emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, this volume uses a public health framework of surveillance, screening, and intervention. The work also explores the policy implications of strategies to prevent and address the maltreatment of people with IDD.
Chapters address:
- Childhood maltreatment
- Sexual abuse
- Bullying
- Social vulnerability
- Reproductive, sexual, and child-rearing rights
- Parenting with a disability
- Adult Maltreatment
- Older adult victimization
- Abusive head trauma
- Murder and execution
Designed for students, clinicians, policymakers, and researchers, this resource provides an in-depth look at the knowledge base in addressing the maltreatment of vulnerable populations.
You may purchase the e-book version of
Maltreatment of People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities by
clicking here.
Year : 2016
Author : John R. Lutzker, Kate Guastaferro, and Megan L. Benka-Coker, Editors
Trauma-Informed Behavioral Interventions: What Works and What Doesn't outlines the ways in which some individuals with IDD may have been harmed by a failure to consider problem behaviors as trauma responses that cannot be modified through the application of consequences.
With numerous case studies, the author describes exploring past traumas and successful strategies for stabilization, prevention, and intervention. This book provides insights on how to support people who have experienced large and small-scale traumas. She provides examples of "mental health plans" and illustrates how the plans should be written to ensure optimal implementation.
This book gives the professionals and paraprofessionals a trauma-informed paradigm within which to support people with IDD and to establish the critical elements needed for their recovery from trauma.
You may purchase the e-book version of
Trauma-Informed Behavioral Interventions by
clicking here.
Year : 2012
Author : Karyn Harvey

This is an e-book version of
Trauma-Informed Behavioral Interventions.
Click here for information about this book.
See our
E Reader Tips for successful downloading.
Year : 2012
Author : Karyn Harvey