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This book is written for a range of professionals who support people with intellectual disability (ID) who have had single or multiple traumatic experiences, including loss, rejection, abuse, and endangerment.
This book provides insights on how people with ID may express trauma and includes strategies for use by the professionals who work with them. It also includes professional development materials for direct support staff and resources for therapists to use in group and individual therapies.
Year : 2023
Author : Karyn Harvey
The Supports Intensity Scale-Adult Version, 2nd Edition (SIS-A, 2nd Ed.) contains new norms, updated research, and contemporary implementation strategies. The SIS-A is a standardized measure of the relative intensity of support needs for life activities required by adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
The User’s Manual is designed to enable interviewers to administer and score the SIS-A with fidelity and to assist program providers and policy makers to interpret and use findings from the SIS-A in ways that will enhance planning processes and outcomes for adults with IDD.
This product cannot be purchased online and requires specialized training. See our Purchase Qualifications Policy.
Domestic and International customers interested in purchasing the SIS-A, 2nd Ed. products: contact Ajith Mathew at Do not place your order online.
Non-Members: $130.00
Members; $112.00
Year : 2023
Author : James R. Thompson, Robert L. Schalock, Karrie A, Shogren, Marc J. Tassé, Michael L. Wehmeyer, Ellis M. Craig, Carolyn Hughes
Teaching Authentic Cooking Skills to Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Active Engagement is a unique instructional tool used to address two critical issues in working with adults with IDD: promoting healthy eating habits and teaching real-life skills that will enhance independence and self-determination.
The book features good nutritional principles and evidence-based instructional practices, incorporating direct instruction, individualized choice-making, and experiential learning. This is not a cookbook, although there are a number of adaptive recipes embedded as examples throughout.
This book provides detailed information on the Active Engagement program and how to implement it in teaching real cooking skills. Topics include:
• Cooking as nutritional intervention
• Teaching framework for cooking skills
• Implementing cooking instruction around American consumption patterns
• Teaching basic skills with adaptive tools
• New approaches to recipes
• Universal and specialized appliances
• Supporting cooking skills with food skills
Janice Goldschmidt was awarded the 2018 Excellence in Written Communication Award from the Behavioral Health Nutrition Dietetics Practice Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for this book.
Year : 2018
Author : Janice Goldschmidt
Person-Centered Planning with the SIS-A: A Guide for Planning Teams is designed for use following the administration of the Support Intensity Scale-Adult Version® (SIS-A®) to assist planning team members in using the results to develop person-centered support plans.
The guide does not require the participation of those involved in administering the SIS-A. The intent is to assist teams in pursuing the type of personalized supports planning that meaningfully enhances a person’s quality of life.
A structured 18-step process that results in a “24-7” support plan for a typical week is outlined. Four of the 18 steps require information from each individual planning team member, and multiple copies of forms for each of those steps are included with the guide.
Year : 2017
Author : James R. Thompson, Karla Doepke, Anne Holmes, Cathy Pratt, Brenda Smith Myles, Karrie A. Shogren, Michael L. Wehmeyer
The Positive Behavior Support Training Curriculum (PBSTC) teaches direct support staff and supervisors the principles of positive behavior support to address challenging behavior and enhance quality of life. This curriculum, now in its 3rd edition, has been successfully implemented across the country and abroad.
The PBSTC contains strategies that create a respectful client-staff environment. The curriculum consists of 25 training modules, 9 of which are designed for supervisors only. Each module addresses a key set of skills in positive behavior support, and includes a Summary Sheet, Presentation Outline, Activity Sheets, and Skill Checks. The curriculum is competency-based:
- trainees will demonstrate their mastery of positive behavioral support skills at the completion of each module through quizzes, role plays, and other activities
- trainees will be observed to demonstrate their mastery of applying new skills in their routine work setting
- the supervisors' modules train supervisors to be more effective managers.
Related Product: Positive Behavior Support Training Curriculum Trainee Resource Guide (3rd Ed.)
Customized train-the-trainer and direct support staff training workshops are available from author Dennis H. Reid.
Year : 2015
Author : Dennis H. Reid, Marsha B. Parsons, and David A. Rotholz
The Positive Behavior Support Curriculum Trainee Resource Guide, 3rd Ed. summarizes 25 modules taught in the Positive Behavior Support Training Curriculum.
Meant for trainee note-taking and reference, it is available separately so that a copy for each trainee can be purchased.
Related Product:
See the Positive Behavior Support Training Curriculum (3rd Edition)
Year : 2015
Author : Dennis H. Reid, Marsha B. Parsons, and David A. Rotholz
Trauma-Informed Behavioral Interventions: What Works and What Doesn't outlines the ways in which some individuals with IDD may have been harmed by a failure to consider problem behaviors as trauma responses that cannot be modified through the application of consequences.
With numerous case studies, the author describes exploring past traumas and successful strategies for stabilization, prevention, and intervention. This book provides insights on how to support people who have experienced large and small-scale traumas. She provides examples of "mental health plans" and illustrates how the plans should be written to ensure optimal implementation.
This book gives the professionals and paraprofessionals a trauma-informed paradigm within which to support people with IDD and to establish the critical elements needed for their recovery from trauma.
You may purchase the e-book version of
Trauma-Informed Behavioral Interventions by
clicking here.
Year : 2012
Author : Karyn Harvey
Trainee Guide for the
Supervisor Training Curriculum summarizes key points in the Curriculum and is meant as a note taking and reference tool. Each trainee will need their own copy of the Guide.
Year : 2011
Author : Carolyn W. Green, Dennis H. Reid, and Marsha B. Parsons

This is an e-book version of
Trauma-Informed Behavioral Interventions.
Click here for information about this book.
See our
E Reader Tips for successful downloading.
Year : 2012
Author : Karyn Harvey
The Supervisor Training Curriculum teaches supervisors how to direct and motivate staff working with people with IDD. Based on three decades of applied research, each management strategy presented has been tested and proven to work in human services. This Curriculum organizes the role of supervision in human service settings into clear and convenient objectives and responsibilities for new managers.
The curriculum is designed for trainers and upper-level managers in agencies that provide supports to people with IDD. The curriculum consists of a training manual with activity sheets and competency checks for each module and one Trainee Guide for reference and note taking. A file of PowerPoint slides available upon request by contacting
Related Product: The Supervisor Training Curriculum Trainee Guide
Year : 2010
Author : Carolyn W. Green, Dennis H. Reid, and Marsha B. Parsons