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Accessing AAIDD Journals

Members must login to the AAIDD website to access journals online.

Members who are not logged in via the AAIDD website will only access abstracts.

Password Not Working on the Journals site?

Login to the AAIDD website first and navigate to the journals site. AAIDD hosts its journals on the Meridian platform. AAIDD membership logins do not work on the Meridian site.

Can't Access AJIDD Articles?

Access to AAIDD journals varies by membership type. You may need to upgrade your membership.

Can't Find JDR?

AAIDD Religion & Spirituality Interest Network members have access to the Journal of Disability & Religion (JDR).

Step by Step Instructions to Access the AAIDD Journals


A. Check your membership type to confirm your access.

Basic Membership

In addition to other benefits, this membership includes full text access to IDD and Inclusion only. This membership does not include full text access to AJIDD.

IDD cover
Inclusion cover
To upgrade your membership for full text access to AJIDD, contact Gabrielle Herald by email or at 202-387-1968 x 201.

Standard, Premium, and International Members

In addition to other benefits, these memberships include access to AJIDD, IDD, and Inclusion.

AJIDD cover
IDD cover
Inclusion cover

B. Follow these steps:

  1. Login to the website using the button at the top of the page to get the login page.  Your email is your username. You can tell that you are NOT logged in if you see blue "view" buttons on the page.
  2. Once logged in, scroll to the journal you want to see on the journals page, and click its orange "access" button. **Note that Basic membership does not include full text access to AJIDD.**
  3. A new page will appear. Click the desired "read" button.
  4. You'll be directed to the home page of the current issue of the journal. To confirm your access:
  • For AAIDD journals, see "AAIDD Group Referring url” in the upper right corner of the page .
  • For the JDR, see "Access provided by Religion and Spirituality Division of American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)" across the top of the page .

Members who are not logged in via the AAIDD website will only access abstracts.

Cover image of Journal of Disability and Religion
JRD is available to members of the AAIDD Religion & Spirituality Interest Network under an arrangement with Taylor & Francis.


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