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Leadership in IDD


Leadership in IDD        

December 2022

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Leadership in IDD newsletter here.


Commentary from the Field


Rhonda Black

Creating Effective Career Pathways that Retain DSPs

Jessica Neely, MA, MAT

Director of Knowledge Management, SEEC, Silver Spring, MD

The shortage of skilled Direct Support Professionals (DSPS) is a systemic crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored how essential a versatile direct support workforce truly is. Seventeen years ago, Larson and Hewitt outlined DSP recruitment and retention challenges, their dire impacts on people with IDD, and recommended career pathways as a promising solution.

In 2017, a consortium of five provider agencies formed the Maryland Direct Support Training Program (MDDSP) with SEEC as lead agency. The MDDSP created a competency-based training framework using a ladder and lattice approach. Progress along a ladder of knowledge acquisition is enhanced by a lattice of specialization options including DSP Mentor, DSP Job Coach, and the opportunity earn a national credential such as Registered Behavior Technician, or Certified Employment Support Professional. To date, the MDDSP has served DSPs at 10 provider agencies and successfully trained nearly 300 DSPs with a credentialed learner’s retention rate of 91%.


Recent awards, accolades, appointments, and other honors




Recent awards, accolades, appointments, and other honors


Commentary from the field

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