Wearing Many Hats
Mary Etter, MPA, FAAIDD
Executive Director, Bristol Adult Resource Center (BARC)
The executive director of an agency supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities wears many hats, and when I represent the agency, the perception of my primary responsibility depends on the audience.
To those we serve, I share in the joy of having true human connections where each person is heard, seen, known, and valued.
To local business leaders, I promote competitive employment. BARC’s training programs and small businesses help future employees grow and practice skills they need to succeed in the workforce.
To my family, I create opportunities for people to live their best lives. My children’s high school partnered with BARC, recognizing the day programs for student volunteerism and hosting the BARC Prom.
To families of those we support, I ensure their loved ones thrive in the programs we provide. BARC was founded by families seeking community inclusion, and our staff pursue the achievement of that goal in all we do.
The challenges faced by an executive director—workforce shortages, funding cuts, HR issues, and the declining health of some we serve—are tough. Yet the joy, love, and sense of purpose at BARC make wearing many hats all worthwhile.