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Leadership in IDD


Leadership in IDD        

February 2023

View the archive of the
Leadership in IDD newsletter here.


Commentary from the Field


Nick DeMarco


Nicholas J. DeMarco, PsyD 

Director of IDD and Mental Health Supports, Philadelphia Coordinated Health Care


Building ID Capacity in Specialty Care Services


Have you ever heard, “We don’t treat people with Intellectual Disability (ID)”? I certainly have. This message can leave families and caregivers frustrated and hopeless when a loved one needs specialty health care services.  Where do we go from here?  In short, the answer is training.  Many specialty providers do not get adequate training about treating people with ID, and we can take steps to increase health care providers’ understanding about ID. Building capacity requires educating both current and future providers to close the service gaps in our system. 


I facilitate no-cost training for behavioral health and other professionals through the South Eastern Pennsylvania Health Care Quality Unit. The model itself is unique to Pennsylvania, but training is an invaluable resource in building awareness and systemic capacity.  Bringing training opportunities and programs to scale across disciplines is what we need to do to ensure that people with ID can access specialty care when they need it. 



Recent awards, accolades, appointments, and other honors


Erik Carter

Erik Carter, PhD, FAAIDD,Appointed the Luther Sweet Endowed Chair in Disabilities at Baylor University and Executive Director of the Baylor Center on Developmental Disabilities.

Eric is collaborating within and beyond Baylor to launch a new initiative aimed at advancing empirical and theological scholarship focused on disability, faith, and flourishing.
IDD Cover

Seven New Members Have Joined the Ranks of Associate Editors of IDD 


Michelle Reynolds, PhD, FAAIDD

Jan Siska, MA, PhD

Amy Esler, PhD

Matthew Bogenshutz, PhD

Kelly Nye Lengerman, PhD, MSW

Kruti Acharya, MD

Bruce Keisling, PhD, FAAIDD
Syard Evans

Sheryl Larson, PhD, FAAIDD and Jon Neidorf Among Authors of Just Released Residential Information Systems Project Annual Report: Status and Trends Through 2019 .

The newest Fellows and Awardees will be honored at the 147th AAIDD Annual Meeting to be held June 5-7, 2023 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


Opportunities to participate in research, projects, policy development, and other collaborations


Commentary from the field

AAIDD is looking to feature notables and perspective pieces from our members in the field! Send us your commentary to be featured in a future Leadership in IDD Newsletter.

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