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AAIDD Announces Its 2020 Awards

Ceremony to take place at 144th AAIDD Annual Conference in June 2020

January 7, 2020 (Silver Spring, MD)

The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) is pleased to announce and congratulate the individuals  who have been selected to receive awards of the Association in 2020.

Each year, AAIDD honors selected individuals or groups who have made outstanding contributions to the field. A call for award nominations is issued in the fall of each year and awards are presented at the annual meeting of the Association. The 2020 awards recognizing outstanding contributions or special achievement are:  

Early Career Award
Grace Francis, PhD, George Mason University

Education Award
J. Carolyn Graff, PhD, RN, FAAIDD, University of Tennessee Health Science Center

International Award
Dandii Odgerel, PhD, Mongolian National University of Education

Leadership Award
Joanna Pierson, PhD, FAAIDD, The Arc of Frederick County

Media Award

Hearts of Glass, JenTen Productions

Policy Award
National Core Indicators (NCI) Program, HSRI & NASDDDS

Research Award
Beth Malow, MD, MS, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Service to the Association Award
Marco Lombardi, MA, FAAIDD, University College Ghent

Service to the Field Award
Celia S. Feinstein, MA, FAAIDD, Temple University

Student Award
Alan Santinele Martino, MA, McMaster University

The awards ceremony will be held during AAIDD’s 144th Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from June 1-4, 2020.


Founded in 1876, AAIDD is the oldest professional association concerned with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Learn more about the organization at

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