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AAIDD Announces its 2016 Awards

June 29, 2016 (Washington, DC)

The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) is pleased to announce the awards presented on June 8, 2016 at its 140th annual meeting held in Atlanta, Georgia.  

Each year, AAIDD honors selected individuals or groups who have made outstanding contributions to the field. A call for nominations is issued in the fall of each year; the awards are presented at the annual meeting.  

The 2016 awards for which outstanding contributions or special achievement were recognized are: 

Sofia Santos, PhD, Universidade de Lisboa, International Award

John O'Brien & Connie Lyle O'Brien, Responsive System Associates, Leadership Award

Michael G. Aman, PhD, The Ohio State University, Research Award

Margaret Mehling, MA, The Ohio State University, Student Award

Karrie A. Shogren, PhD, University of Kansas, Early Career Award
Real Communities Initiative, Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities, Full Community Inclusion Award

Gilbert S. Macvaugh, III, PsyD, Independent practice, Special Award

Welcome Change Productions, Media Award

Michael Wehmeyer, PhD, University of Kansas, Presidential Award


Founded in 1876, AAIDD is the oldest professional association concerned with intellectual and developmental disabilities. AAIDD advocates for the equality, dignity, and human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and for their full inclusion and participation in society. Learn more about the organization at

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