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AAIDD Announces its 2017 Delegation to Iceland and Ireland

February 7, 2017

The goal of the delegation is to research the supports provided for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Iceland and Ireland.To learn firsthand about the approaches in these countries, the delegation will examine the following questions:


  • How has each nation's history, culture, and context shaped the its approach to intellectual disability?
  • What are the structure and delivery methods of supports provided for people with intellectual disability in these countries?
  • How do people with intellectual and developmental disabilities participate in the development of their supports?
  • How does the service system respond across the lifespan with different packages of supports?
Since 1996, AAIDD has sponsored professional research and exchange delegations to China, South Africa, Russia, India, Cuba, Brazil, Norway, Poland, Japan, Korea, and Australia. A tentative agenda, fact sheet, and application form are available here

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