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Member Spotlight 

Dr. GineName: Climent Giné

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Member since:1995

Employment: Professor Emeritus, Universitat Ramon Llull

Why did you join AAIDD? 

Basically for four reasons: (1) Because most knowledge - also the most advanced practices – that I had acquired in the field of intellectual disability stemmed from the contributions of AAIDD and its most prominent members. (2) To access to the publications and opportunities for learning. (3) To establish relation and friendship with academics, researchers and professionals. (4) Because it is an honor to belong to an association with such a long and important commitment to people with intellectual disabilities and their families tradition. 

Why did you choose the field of intellectual disability? 

Actually, I am not sure. When I started studying psychology at the University of Barcelona, always interested me how to promote the development of children, especially when a problem appeared. On the other hand, a family circumstance - a nephew whose parents were unable to care for him - took me to get involved in their education.

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