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Past Trainings and Events

Please note only webinars are recorded; the archive is generally available on the website the following day.

Beginning February 2021, the webinar archive will exclusively be a member benefit. 

Virtual professional development sessions such as Mentorship in a Minute and Crucial Conversations, are not recorded and participation is limited to AAIDD members.

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Supporting Individuals with Autism in Grief and Loss

Contact Name:   Lindsey Polansky

Contact E Mail:

Date: May 18 , 2017
Time: 4:00 p.m. EST

Content Overview:

This webinar will focus on supporting individuals with autism in grief and loss. Lara Palay will highlight grief as an unseen stressor and additional needs and issues for individuals with I/DD. She will also discuss strategies for support. Julia Bascom will provide a self advocate perspective discussing communication differences in individuals with autism as they relate to grief and grieving. She will also focus on emotional processing differences and alexithymia, as well as ways to look at cognitive strengths; such as love of ritual, sensory profiles, etc., as tools for coping with grief.  

Julia Bascom, Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Lara Palay, LISW-S, Aldridge Palay Group






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